Remember when CRM life was so much simpler that solutions did not yet exist? If you had separate development and production environments and you wanted to move your customizations, you simply clicked Export Customizations and voila! It was done. Those were the days. Nostalgia Warning – in case you’ve forgotten, here’s a screenshot to jog your memory: With CRM 2011, the concept of solutions was introduced, giving us a new set of powers – by picking individual entities, workflows, etc., we now had the ability to group together and move only those customizations we wanted to include in our solution. The next great solutions advancement came with CRM 2016: we can now select specific components within each individual entity – so instead of moving the entire contact entity, for example, we have the option of moving only a certain view or field within the entity. And we can do this without having to hack the xml in the zip file. (By the way, if you want to learn more abou...
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