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Showing posts from May, 2020

How To Retrieve All Files from SharePoint Library Folder & Send an Email Attachment using Microsoft Flows

by   mydevexperience (abm)  In this blog I will explain how to retrieve all files from a specified SharePoint folder and send email as an attachment. Every flow needs a trigger to start with so here I am using a manual trigger. Next step I am using flow step SharePoint List Folder which returns files contained in a SharePoint folder. The return response is array of BlobMetadata which contains the below details. Name Path Type Description ItemId ItemId integer The value that can be used to Get or Update file properties in libraries. Id Id string The unique id of the file or folder. Name Name string The name of the file or folder. DisplayName DisplayName string The display name of the file or folder. Path Path string The path of the file or folder. LastModified LastModified date-time The date and time the file or folder was last modified. Size Size integer The size of the file or folder. MediaType MediaType string The media type of the file or folder. IsFolder IsFolder boolean A...